At Mason City Surgery Center, we believe in providing patients with as much information as possible to help them understand and prepare for their surgery or procedure.

Every surgery or procedure is unique. Therefore, you should always consult your physician with specific questions about your surgery or procedure. The information provided in this section is presented as general guidelines. If at any time, the instructions on this website are different from or contradict those given to you by your physician or nurse, follow the instructions from your physician or nurse.

  • You must arrange a responsible adult to drive you home and stay with you for 24 hours following surgery.
  • If possible, please arrange for childcare on the day of your surgery.

Our staff is happy to answer your questions. If you have not been contacted the day prior to your surgery, please call us at 641-494-2000 or 877-704-0038.

Pre-Operative Instructions

A pre-admission nursing staff member will contact you by phone one to three days prior to your surgical procedure regarding:

  • Time of arrival
  • Time of surgery/procedure
  • Your medical history including allergies
  • Special Instructions
  • Insurance Information

Please make sure you provide a phone number where you can be reached during the day.

During the pre-operative phone call, a nurse will give you instructions when you need to stop eating, drinking, and chewing gum prior to your surgery. It is very important for these instructions to be followed or your surgery may be delayed or cancelled.

Additional requirements to note:

  • No alcohol or cigarettes 24 hours prior to your surgery.
  • If you develop a cold, sore throat, or infection, notify your physician.
  • If you are on blood thinners, including aspirin or anti-inflammatory medications (such as ibuprofen), you will likely need to discontinue them. Please check with your physician.
  • Interpreters are available upon request.

Day of Surgery

Bring your insurance information, including pharmacy, and check in with the front desk upon your arrival. Worker’s Compensation cases must provide all claim information, including date of injury. Identification bracelets are given to all patients; it is important to keep these bracelets on while at the center.

Instructions for personal care items:

  • Insulin: If you are a diabetic, bring your insulin and diabetic supplies with you.
  • Inhalers: If you use an inhaler, please bring it with you.
  • Hearing Aids: Wear your hearing aids and bring a case for them.
  • Contact Lenses: Contact lenses are not permitted. Make sure to wear your eyeglasses and bring your case with you.
  • CPAP: If you use a CPAP machine at home, please bring it with you. (Check with the pre-admission nurse during the phone call if it needs to be brought into the center or just available in the care. This is patient specific.)
  • Jewelry: Leave jewelry, including all body piercings, and valuables at home.
  • Cosmetics: Do not wear make-up or nail polish.
  • Dental: You may brush your teeth the morning of your surgery. If you have dentures you may wear them. Make sure to bring a container for them.
  • Clothing: Make sure to wear loose, comfortable clothing that you will be able to easily slip off and on as well as fit over any bandages or slings that you may receive. Patients who have shoulder surgery find it easier to have clothes that button down the front and can go over an immobilizer.
  • Assistive Devices: If you have crutches or other assistive devices that will or may be used after surgery, please bring them with you.
  • Other: Bring extra pillows for car ride home if having arm, had, foot or knee surgery.

Post-Operative Recovery

After surgery you will be taken to the post-anesthesia care unit or the post-operative unit for observation and recovery. Your caregiver will be informed of your progress and will be rejoined with you as soon as you are medically stable. Our goal for you after surgery is to return home to familiar, comfortable surroundings. We will do our best to make your pain tolerable. This may mean you have some pain on discharge. Please notify your nurse if you feel your pain is worse than expected or more than you can tolerate. We want you to be comfortable.

Home instructions will be given to you prior to your discharge. You will need to have a responsible adult available to hear your discharge instructions.

You will receive a courtesy call from our center regarding your recovery process. If you have any immediate needs or concerns, please contact your physician.

Surgical Care for Your Child

We require that at least one parent or legal guardian remain at the center at all times while your child is in our surgical care. Parents and guardians will with the child in the waiting area until surgery, and will be reunited in a private recovery room as soon as the child is medically stable. During surgery, parents and guardians should remain in the indicated areas in case the surgeon, nurse, or anesthesiologist needs to contact you. The surgeon will meet with you to discuss the surgery at its completion.

Items to bring to the center:

  • Comfort items for your child (blanket, toy, pacifier, etc.)
  • Empty bottle or sippy cup
  • Formula or milk for after surgery
  • Change of clothes and diapers.

Your child will need your attention on the day of the surgery; we suggest that you do not bring other children with you to the center.

Advance Directives

Due to the nature of the services provided at Mason City Surgery Center, in the event of a medical emergency during your recovery, it is our policy to resuscitate all patients until care can be transferred to an acute care facility. A copy of the patient’s advanced directives document will accompany the patient upon transfer to an acute care facility.

Read what our patients say

  • I cannot adequately express how impressed and pleased I was with everyone and everything having to do with my surgery. All is top notch! I tell everyone that I do not understand why anyone would go anywhere else for their surgery. The staff and service treated you as a person….accommodating, caring.

  • All of your nursing staff were welcoming and relaxed. No hurrying to get done. They were thorough and professional. My physician was calm, gave me good eye contact at the beginning of the procedure. The atmosphere is one of warmth, caring and professionalism.

  • I cannot think of 1 thing to improve on at the Surgery Center. If there were 5′s on this survey, I would have circled all of them. I cannot brag enough about the Mason City Surgery Center. Everyone was so polite and courteous. The staff had their individual jobs to do and they did them well. In the future, if I have to have any procedures done, I will definitely plan to have them done at the Mason City Surgery Center. Thanks again to everyone who made my visit a pleasant one.

Read more

Contact Us:

Mason City Surgery Center, 990 4th Street S.W., Mason City, Iowa 50401

Nondiscrimination Notice

“MCSC complies with applicable federal civil rights laws and does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, age, disability, sex, or religion.” Click here for a full copy of this notice.